Special areas
The special areas of our practice in Potsdam for special concerns.
Our practice also covers these special subject areas:
Dementia prevention / Alzheimer's
If you or a family member already have cognitive limitations in everyday life (memory loss, speech problems, confusion, disorientation, behavioral problems), it is high time to act. Via our prevention (PreCODE program) as well as strict therapy (ReCODE program), dementia can be stopped or even partially reversed.
Dr. Kunert is also a gynecologist. With our gynecology service we cover almost all important gynecological topics (except pregnancy care) in our practice. In addition, we follow a holistic approach and take into account topics of functional or preventive medicine. Our patients appreciate us for this.
Breast Cancer Prevention
Using a novel method, elastography, we enable prevention of breast cancer as an alternative to mammography. Elastography detects abnormalities in breast tissue much earlier, without radiation exposure and painlessly. This means that high-risk groups (with a family history of breast cancer) can be examined regularly without concern.
IHHT - Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Training
IHHT offers an innovative breathing training that increases cell energy through changing oxygen phases and optimizes oxygen recycling – comparable to altitude training, but in less time and under safe, controlled, relaxed conditions. Ideal for more performance, regeneration and well-being.